Thirty years after the collapse of civilisation, a totalitarian survivor society lives on beneath a protective dome. Sixteen-year-old Claudia, curious about the decadent old world and why it destroyed itself, begins to question what she’s taught. She’s drawn to free-spirit Davina, who seems to have answers, but not all her friends think the same way and loyalties are tested. Claudia’s closest friend, Pierce, is a cadet in the Mentargh, the ruthless organisation that controls the Dome. He warns her against Davina, but can she still trust him?
When Claudia discovers the truth about the Dome and their continued survival, she knows things have to change — but how?
A new version of the Australian YA dystopian classic, rewritten for the 21st century, was released in January 2024. A sequel is due out in 2025.
As well as being available through the Big A and Barnes & Noble, the paperback edition can be ordered through your local bookshop.
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